
2021 Qili Tennis Club Friendship Tournament

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Qili tennis, happiness is always there!

On September 4, the autumn was high and fresh, and Qili Holding Group held the "2021 Qili Cup Tennis Friendship Tournament" at the Tennis Center. Let us feel the warm atmosphere of the scene together!

After the game, the club held a grand handover ceremony. Under the witness of all tennis members, Mr. Zhu Changyou, chairman of Qili Group, officially became the president of Wenzhou Economic Development Zone Tennis Association. President Zhu presented generous gifts to each contestant.

Youthful and energetic team!

The start of the game, the wonderful moment of the game

The game is getting into a climax, and the master showdown is fun!

On one side is the youth group, with unstoppable gestures, crushing opponents with strength and speed

On one side is the experience group, dribbling for thousands of times, will and endurance fight back.

One word "AMAZING"!

I hope that under the leadership of President Zhu, more people will feel the power and joy that tennis brings to everyone. The spirit of fighting, the fun of sports, the tacit understanding of collaboration, and the stimulation of confrontation will be brought to the extreme, and the body and heart will be strengthened.